WP Business Wordpress Theme Documentation

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File Structure

The template package you have downloaded consists of several folders. Let's see what each folder contains:

  • Screenshots -contains template screenshot. Not for production.
  • theme -contains wordpress theme files
  • " WP Business_1.2.7.zip " -this folder contains all the necessary files for the theme.
  • "license.txt" -contains license details
  • "readme.txt" -contain information about theme images path, font use and usage script

Template Installation

Template installation is very easy process. The installation process can be done in two ways

1-Install a theme using wordpress admin

First thing you need to do is to login to your WordPress admin area. Next, click on

1.Go to the menu Appearance >> Themes

2. Once you are on the themes page, click on the Add New button at the top.

3. Click on upload theme button.

4. Click on Browse Button then select your WP Business_1.2.7.zip theme and click on install now button.

Congratulations your theme have been successfully installed

Setup Homepage Template

Follow the below steps to setup the Home page demo content.

1. Create a new page and name it as "home" then select the template "Custom Home"

2. Go to Settings >> Reading >> Select the option of Static Page, now select the page you created to be the home, while another page to be your as per your wish.

Theme Setup

Setup Global Color

In order to setup the Global Color , follow the below steps.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> Global Color Settings

Here you select the color for the theme.

It will appear like this on the front end.

Setup Typography

In order to setup the Typography, follow the below steps.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> Typography

Their customizer settings are like below screenshot.

1. Color: Here you can change the colors of all Paragraph, 'a' tag, 'li' tag, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 respectively.

2. Fonts: Here you can change the Font Family of all Paragraph, 'a' tag, 'li' tag, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 respectively.

3. Font Size: Here you can change the Font size of all Paragraph, 'a' tag, 'li' tag, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 respectively.

Setup Top Bar Section

In order to set up top-bar section,

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> Topbar Section

here you can add the email and phone number which will get appear at the top of the header.

For Enable the Top Header click on the checkbox and give the top-bottom padding to topbar for the theme

For the sticky header of the theme click on checkbox.

Here you can select the Top-Bottom padding for sticky header of the theme.

For Show / Hide Search bar click on checkbox for the theme and Give the text for search placeholder.

In order to add the Logo:

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Site Identity

Topbar will be appear on the page like this.

Setup Header Section

In order to set header section, follow the below steps

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> Header

Here you can select the size of menu and case of menu of the theme.

Setup Social Icon Section

In order to setup the Social Icon, follow the below steps.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> Social Icon Section

here you can add your social media links through which user can directly redirect to your social media sites.

Here you can add to Font Size of Social Icon for the themes.

Social Icon will be appear on the page like this.

Setup Slider Section

In order to setup the slider, follow the below steps.

1. Create a new page and name it as "Slide one" or whatever you want, set it's featured image, title, and the content. Repeat this process for other slides.

2.Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> Slider Settings

Here you can select the page which you have created for slide one, slide2, slide3, slide4.

For show or hide slider, click twice on the checkbox.

For show or hide Slider Title , Slider Content , Slider Button , Slider Indicator, click twice on the checkbox.

Here You have an option to the speed of slider to load slider fast for the theme.

Here you can select the slider content alignment and slider excerpt length for the theme.

Here You can select show / hide slider image overlay and select the Background color, for Slider Image display transparent.

You can select opacity for slider image.

Here you can add Slider Button Lable for the theme.

Once you have done with this you will see the slider on your front page.

In this way you can setup slider.

Setup We Think Section

In order to setup We Think Section, follow the below steps.

1. Go to Dashboard >> Posts >> Add New

Give a title name and write some text and then publish it.

2. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> We Think Section

Post will be appear on the page like this.

In this way you can setup your Our Services Section

Setup Footer Section

In order to setup the Footer Section, follow the below steps.

Go to Appearance >> Widgets

Once you add widgets to the footer, your footer will look like this.

In order to setup the Footer Section, follow the below steps.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> Footer Section

For show or hide Back to Top Icon, click twice on the checkbox and select the alignment.

From here you can select the Footer Background Color and Footer Background Image for the themes.

Here You can select the the number of footer columns and add your widgets in the footer for themes.

In this way you can setup footer section.

Setup Footer Text Section

In order to setup the Footer Text Section, follow the below steps.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> Footer Section

1. Copyright Text: Here you can add some Copyright text.

2. Copyright Alignment: Here You have an option for Copyright Aligntment like Center , Left , Right.

3. Copyright Font Size: Here You have an option for Font Size of Copyright.

4. Copyright Top Bottom Padding: Here You have an option to Top Bottom Padding of Content for Copyright.

Setup Advance Options

In order to setup the Advance Options, follow the below steps.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> Advance Options

Here You can click the checkebox if you want to Enable / Disable preloader.

Here You can select the color for preloader of the themes.

Here You can select the preloader type square and circle for the themes.

For Theme Layout:

Here You can select the Default layout for the themes.

After Default layout themes will look like screenshot

Here You can select the Container layout for the themes.

After Selecting Container layout themes will look like screenshot

Here You can select the Box-Container layout for the themes.

After Selecting Box-Container layout themes will look like screenshot

Setup Blog Settings

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> Blog Settings

In Blog Settings, you can select the Blog Layout Sidebar.

In Blog Settings, you can show or hide post date, comments, author and also you can change blog excerpt Number for content.

Here you can select the Featured Image Border Radius and Image Shadow for post of themes.

Here you can select the Pagination Style and Position of themes.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> Button Options

Here you can select the Blog Post Button Label for themes.

Here you can Give the Top-Bottom, Left-Right , Padding to the Blog Post Button Label for themes.

Here you can select the Blog Post Button Radius for themes.

Setup 404 Page & Search Result Setting

In order to setup the 404 Page & Search Result Setting, follow the below steps.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> 404 Page & Search Result Setting

1. 404 Page Title: error 404 page has a page title not found.

2. 404 Page Button Label: error 404 page Label of Button not found

3. No Search Result Title: error site title not found

4. No Search Result Text: error site contain not found

In this way you can setup 404 Page & Search Result Setting section.

Setup WooCommerce Options

In order to setup the WooCommerce Options, follow the below steps.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> TG Settings >> WooCommerce Options

1. Product per row: Here You have an option to add Number Of Product in one Row.

2. Product per page: Here You have an option to add Number Of Product in one single page.

3. Enable / Disable Shop page sidebar: Here You have an option to Enable / Disable sidebar of shop page.

4. Enable / Disable Product page sidebar: Here You have an option to Enable / Disable sidebar of product page.

5. Enable / Disable Related product: Here You have an option to Enable / Disable Feature Related product.

6. Button Top Bottom Padding: Here You have an option to add top bottom padding of Product button.

7. Button Border Radius: Here You have an option to add border radius of Product button.

8. Enable / Disable product border: Here You have an option to Enable / Disable product Outer border.

9. Product Top Bottom Padding: Here You have an option to top bottom padding for product.

10. Product Right Left Padding: Here You have an option to right left padding for product.

11. Product Border Radius: Here You have an option to give border radius to product.

11. Product Box Shadow: Here You have an option to give box shadow to the product.

12. Sale badge Position: Here You have an option to add postion of sale badge like right portions or left position.

13. Sale Top Bottom Padding : Here You have an option to add top bottom padding for sale badge.

14. Sale Border Radius: Here You have an option to add border radius for sale.

In this way you can setup WooCommerce Options section.

Page Templates and sidebars

Page Templates

  • Default Template (the default page template with a right sidebar position)
  • Home Page Template (the default home page template with right sidebar position)
  • Page (Left Sidebar) (a page templates with left sidebar position)
  • Page (Right Sidebar) (a page template with right sidebar position)

Post, Categories and Post Formats

Adding category

Review the following article for more information on adding categories: http://codex.wordpress.org/Manage_Categories_SubPanel

  1. Log into your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard).
  2. Click the Posts tab.
  3. With that done, click Categories for blog posts.
  4. Type in the name of your new category.
  5. After that, click the Add New Category button.
Click the Publish button.

Creating a Blog post

  1. Log into your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard).
  2. Click the Posts tab.
  3. Click the Add New tab.
  4. Type in your post content. For more information on adding posts, please check the following link http://codex.wordpress.org/Posts_Add_New_SubPanel.

Custom Widgets