Industrial Pro Theme Documentation

File Structure

The template bundle that you downloaded is divided into various directories. Let's examine the contents of each folder:

  • Screenshots -contains template screenshot. Not for production.
  • theme -includes WordPress theme files
  • "industrial-pro" -This folder contains all of the files required for the theme.
  • "license.txt" -contains licence information
  • "readme.txt" -contain information on the theme's image path, font usage, and script usage

Template Installation

Installing a template is a simple process. There are two ways to complete the installation process.

1-Install a theme using wordpress admin

The first step is to log in to your WordPress admin dashboard. then click on

1.Go to the menu Appearance >> Themes

2. After arriving at the themes page, select the Add New button at the top.

3. To upload a theme, click the button.

4. Choose your theme by clicking the Browse button, and then hit the Install Now button.

Congratulations! Your theme has been installed successfully.


The steps for activating a TG Key are as follows.

As you will get the License Key on your Email, use that key to Activate License.

Follow the following Process to Activate License.

Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> TG Key Activation >> Enter Key>>Activate.

After Entering The Key >> Activate Licence.

Section Color/Font Pallette

The method of changing the colour or font is extremely simple. These choices are available in all customizer areas. It is a comprehensive graphic that demonstrates the font and colour palette. You can change the colour and font of the headings, paragraphs, and buttons with a single click.

Depending on the number of options accessible in each area, there is an option to change the colour scheme for the headings, title/text, paragraphs, button text, and button background.

Default Color/Font settings

Fetch Demo content

This theme supports the standard Site Identity area that WordPress provides, and we have added some options to this section.

Set up your home page by following these instructions.

  • 1. Create Page to set template: Go to Dashboard >> Pages >> Add New Page.

    You can label it anything you like, such as "home." then choose the "Home page" template from the template options.

  • 2. Set the front page: Go to Setting -> Reading --> Set the front page display static page to home

  • When you're finished, you can view the entire demo on the top page.

How to set up Home Page

Setup Site Identity

To proceed with the Site Identity ,

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Site Identity

Setup Top Bar

To proceed with the top bar Section,

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Settings >> Top Bar section

To set up Our top bar section, simply adhere to these directions.

  • Do you want this section: includes options to enable or disable the top bar display.
  • Add Background Color: You can add a background colour here, and your site will display it when you do.
  • Add Background image: You can upload a background image here, and it will appear on your website.
  • Add Section Heading Color: You can add a section heading colour here, and it will be shown in the top bar part of your website.
  • Add Section Heading Fonts: This is where you may add section heading fonts, and your website will show them.
  • Add top bar Box Title Color: The top bar Section Box Title Color of your website will be displayed when you add the Services Box Title Color here.
  • Add top bar Section Box Title Fonts: The top bar Section Box Title Fonts of your website will be displayed when you put Cources Box Title Fonts here.
  • Add Box Background Color: You can add Box Background Color and the Box Background Color will be displayed of your site.
  • Add top bar Section Title: You can add Section Title here and the top bar Section Title will be displayed of your site.
  • Add top bar Section Description: The section description will appear in the top bar section of your site if you add Our top bar Description here.

Setup Header

To proceed with the Header section,

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Settings >> Header section

Set up your header section by following these instructions.

  • Do you want this section: includes options to show or hide the header search
  • Header Background Color: You can add a background colour here, and your site will display it when you do.
  • Add Menu Color:You can add a menu colour here, and your website will display it.
  • Add Menu Item Fonts: The Menu Item Fonts that you add here will be seen in the header section of your website.

Setup Slider

To set up the slider, adhere to the procedures below.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Settings >> Slider Settings

  • Setting Options : Includes settings for Service display enable/disable option. With this setting, you can enable/disable this section. This is very important setting. If you want this section to appear on your website, just let the option be enabled and if you don't want this section to appear on your website, you can select disable and this section will disappear from your website.
  • Number of Slider To Show: Permit you to choose how many sliders to display.
  • Slider Image: The photos for the slider can be set here.
  • Slider Heading Title: Here, you may choose whether the slider's title will appear.
  • Slider Text: You can choose to have the text appear on a darker image.
  • Slider Heading Color: Permit setting the slider's heading colour.
  • Slider Heading Fonts: With this option, you may change the typeface for the Slider heading.
  • Slider Text Color:You can choose the colour of the slider text with this option.
  • Slider Text Fonts: With this option, you may change the typeface for the Slider heading.
  • Button Text Fonts: With this option, you may change the typeface used for button text.

Setup About Us Section

To proceed with the About Section,

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Settings >> About Page Settings

Set up Our About Section by following these instructions.

  • Do you want this section: includes options to enable or disable the About Section display.
  • Add Background Color: You can add a background colour here, and your site will display it when you do.
  • Add Background image: You can upload a background image here, and it will appear on your website.
  • Add Main Heading: The addition The main heading of your website will be seen in the section titled "About."
  • Add therapy Image: You can add a "therapy" image here to have it displayed on your website.
  • Add therapy Details Title:The title of your website's About Section will be displayed if you add therapy Us Details Title here.

Setup Our Services Section

To proceed with the Our Services Section,

Go to Appearance >>Customize >> Theme Settings >> Services Section

  • Setting Options: includes options for the display enable/disable option for Our Services Sections.
  • Add Background Color: You can add a background colour here, and your site will display it when you do.
  • Add Background image: You can upload a background image here, and it will appear on your website.
  • Add Main Heading : Here, you may create a main heading that will be displayed in your website's section on services.
  • How We Work Text This text can be added and shown in your site's introduction section.
  • No of Phases:Add the number of phases here.

Setup Our Projects Section

To proceed with the Our Projects Section,

Go to Appearance >>Customize >> Theme Settings >> Project Section

Setup for Our Projects Section: Follow these instructions.

  • Setting Options: includes options to activate or disable the display of the What Do We Do sections.
  • Add Background Color: You can add a background colour here, and your site will display it when you do.
  • Add Background image: You can upload a background image here, and your site will display it.
  • Main Heading: You can add a main heading here, and it will appear in the website's "What We Do" section.

Setup Why Choose Us Section

To proceed with the Why Choose Us Section ,

1. Go toAppearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings -> Why Choose Us Section

Set up the Why Choose Us section by following these instructions.

  • Setting Options: includes options to activate or disable the display of the What Do We Do sections.
  • Add Background Color: You can add a background colour here, and your site will display it when you do.
  • Add Background image: You can upload a background image here, and your site will display it.
  • Main Heading: You can add a main heading here, and it will appear in the website's "What We Do" section.

Setup Our Team Section

Appearance -> Dashboard -> Our Team -> Add New

Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings -> Team Section

To proceed with the Team Section

  • Setting Options: includes options for enabling and disabling the display of the Team Section.
  • Background Color:The background colour of this section can be changed using this feature.
  • Background Image: In this section, you have the option of setting a background image.
  • Section Title: You may customise the title of this section using this option. As shown in the screenshot above, the title of the Team Section can be changed using this option.

Setup Testimonial Section

Initially turn on the "Woocommerce" plugin. Only you can then view this section.

To proceed with the Testimonial Section

Go to Appearance -> Dashboard -> Testimonial -> Add New

Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings -> Testimonial Section

  • Setting Options:includes options to allow or disable the display of Our Testimonial Section.
  • Background Color:The background colour of this section can be changed using this feature.
  • Background Image: In this section, you have the option of setting a background image.
  • Main Heading: You may choose the Main Heading for this section using this option. As shown in the screenshot above, you can also use this option to specify the Main Heading.

Setup Latest News Section

Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings -> Latest News Section

In order to setup the following section go to Dashboard -> Post -> Add New

  • Setting Options: includes options to activate or disable Core Services display.
  • Background Color: The background colour of this section can be changed using this feature.
  • Background Image: In this section, you have the option of setting a background image.
  • Main Heading: You may choose the Main Heading for this section using this option. As shown in the screenshot above, you can also use this option to specify the Main Heading.

Setup Request Quote Section

In order to setup the following section go to Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings -> Request Quote Section

  • Setting Options: includes options to enable or disable the Working Process Section display.
  • Background Color: The background colour of this section can be changed using this feature.
  • Background Image: In this section, you have the option of setting a background image.
  • Main Heading:You may choose the Main Heading for this section using this option. As shown in the screenshot above, you can also use this option to specify the Main Heading.

Setup Our Location Section

Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings ->Our Location Section

To proceed with the Our Location Section

  • Setting Options: includes options to enable or disable the display of the Our Commitment Section.
  • Background Color: The background colour of this section can be changed using this feature.
  • Background Image: In this section, you have the option of setting a background image.
  • Main Heading: You may choose the Main Heading for this section using this option. As shown in the screenshot above, you can also use this option to specify the Main Heading.

Setup Our Partner Section

To proceed with the Our Partner Section,

Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings -> Our Partner Section

Set up Our Partner Section by following these instructions.

  • Setting Options: Includes options to allow or disable the display of Our Partner Section.
  • Background Color: The background colour of this section can be changed using this feature.
  • Background Image: In this section, you have the option of setting a background image.
  • Main Heading:You may choose the Main Heading for this section using this option. As shown in the screenshot above, you can also use this option to specify the Main Heading.

Setup Footer Section

Go toDashboard -> Widgets

Go toAppearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings ->Footer

  • Setting Options: Includes settings for Footer display enable / disable option.
  • Background Color: The background colour of this section can be changed using this feature.
  • Background Image: In this section, you have the option of setting a background image.
  • Main Heading: You may choose the Main Heading for this section using this option. As shown in the screenshot above, you can also use this option to specify the Main Heading.

Setup Footer Text Section

To proceed with the Footer Text Section

Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings -> Footer Text

Setup Project Page Section

To proceed with the Project Page ,

Go to dashboard -> Our Project -> Add New

Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings -> Project Page Settings

Setup Service Page Settings

Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings -> Service Page Settings

Setup Contact Section

To proceed with the Contact,

Go to dashboard -> Contact -> add new

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Settings >>Contact Section

To set up the Contact Section, follow these directions.

  • Contact Heading Color: You may change the Contact Heading Color here.
  • Contact Heading Fonts: The Contact Heading Fonts can be set here.
  • Contact Content Color: The Contact Content Color can be changed here.
  • Contact Content Fonts: The Contact Content Fonts can be changed here.
  • Background Color: If you'd like, you may set the Background Color of Contact here.
  • Background image: If you'd like, you can set the background image for contacts here.

  • Do you want this section: This section allows you to enable/disable this section altogether. In case, if you don't want this section on your site, just click on disable option and this section will disappear from your site. And if you want this wonderful section to appear on your site, just be it enabled and it will appear on your site.
  • Map Latitude: You can enter the map's latitude here.

Setup 404 Page

To proceed with the 404 Page

1. Go toAppearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings -> 404 Page


Using plugins, you can increase and expand the functionality of WordPress.

How to switch on plugins

If you want these features in your theme, you must activate the plugin. In order to activate the plugin in your theme, follow these instructions.

Go to Plugins >> Installed Plugins >>tg-industrial-pro-posttype>>Activate

When you activate plugin, you can see four more options in your admin navigation, i.e Services , Projects , team ,Customers. You can see this four options in the admin navigation of the image because the plugin is activated.

Once you enable the plugin, these four sections are instantly added to your website. Below is a screen image of the same.

You can see that some sections have been added, but their contents are missing. Follow these guidelines when adding content to these areas.

First activate "tg-industrial-pro-posttype" plugin. Then only you add Testimonials

To add testimonials., Go to testimonials. >> Add new

You can add a logo and their URL to these sections, which are automatically posted to Our testimonials, using the testimonial Meta option that you can see in the screenshot. according to the photographs you offer for Our testimonies.

With the option to "Allow Comment," you can also add comments.

Now, you can add title of Our testimonials. and description as shown in image above

You can set up Our Project in this manner.

Page Templates and sidebars

Page Templates

  • Default Template (the standard page layout with the right sidebar )
  • Page (Left Sidebar) (templates for a page that have a left sidebar )
  • Page (Right Sidebar) (a page template with the sidebar in the right place )
  • Blog (Full Width) (a sidebar-free, single-column blog template )
  • Blog (Left Sidebar) (a template for a blog with a left sidebar )
  • Blog (Right Sidebar) (a sidebar-positioned right blog template )
  • Contact (the standard Contact template without a sidebar )
  • Home Page (a right-sidebar position on the default home page template )

Post, Categories and Post Formats

Adding category

For further details on adding categories, look at the following article:

  1. Access your WordPress Dashboard by logging in.
  2. Click the Posts tab.
  3. With that done, click Categories for blog posts.
  4. Type in the name of your new category.
  5. After that, click the Add New Category button.
Click the Publish button.

Creating a Blog post

  1. Log in to your dashboard in the WordPress administration area.
  2. Click the Posts tab.
  3. Click the Add New tab.
  4. Enter the text for your post. Please click the following link for further details on adding posts.


A shortcode is an effective tool for creating content. Shortcodes are easy to use. First of all, make sure that the editing mode is set to Visual.

Examine the list of shortcodes included with the themes:

  • [list-core-services]
  • [list-working-process]
  • [our-commintment]
  • [tg-industrial-pro-team]]
  • [tg-industrial-pro-testimonials]
  • [tg-industrial-pro-specialist]
  • [tg-industrial-pro-specialist-slider]
